seasonal selection

Geoffrey Lewis
2 min readNov 13, 2023


Anyone on the internet with the link can comment

01. On Sanity Congealing (220 pages)

12. a safe rapture @ a safe distance (493 pages)

04. Master your impatience and you win (712 pages)

10.19.23. take me back to the night we met (62 pages)

02. The End of New York (345 pages)

03. a fresh slag pile for my digital girlfriends (44 pages)

the pages are often short, so not as long as it sounds, line breaks and fragments ~ a world, a sea to swim in with gems scattered, something for everyone: poetry, memoir, cultural criticism, exploration of myself and any human being’s limits; it’s fun, anyone can edit, risks abound, names are named I might eagerly run to connect to Wi-Fi to correct and erase out of shame and risk, but I’d rather exceed the game of reputational concern and live beyond it, to prove this is the vital place where the future comes from, all of us at the edge of maybe saying or doing the thing that might kill us—we do this to discover there are no threats except our own memories and imaginations, fears and hopes—the wrong hopes, the wrong expectations, unrealistic; I long to taste the feast of the limitations and frustrations of the available life; romance is over yet only just begun, earned anew through me and my continual annihilation online in public, using my name as a voodoo doll, a nexus of hate, resentment and comparison, because I am an angel and this is how I fly, flashing a little black under my sweater, to remind everybody we all have a soul contract with the devil, and simultaneously serving as a reminder that the devil is and always will be a gentleman.

