Geoffrey LewisFirst New iCloud NoteMy cheek was pressed against the deck, the forest bare and swaying before me. “All You Can Do Is Write,” I wrote.Aug 16Aug 16
Geoffrey Lewisa delightful disaster, you jumped farther and faster, you were always so full of surprises.Geoffrey Lewis: being rejected and new places to write. spending longer alone worshipping and loving i am being myself and the metrics…Aug 5Aug 5
Geoffrey Lewisa fresh slag pile for my digital girlfriendswhen will i see you again? don’t you see i remembered you? but the remembering needs to be refreshed, blown through the trumpet of my steep…Jul 231Jul 231
Geoffrey Lewisa tweet that leaks the culture war between writersthis stopped me in my tracks yesterdayJul 7Jul 7
Geoffrey Lewisthe love object and the distance between where electricity and meaning are lost“It is not the object of love that matters but the emotion itself.” — Gore VidalJul 1Jul 1
Geoffrey Lewissome recent paragraphsi’ve been feeling bad, flattened, lazy, useless, a pile of flesh and bone forgotten by most who knew me; failing in adulthood, so here’s…Feb 16Feb 16
Geoffrey Lewisgently being here again/stillscrolling for an image for this post, i wonder if i’m saying something just to say something, not because i have something to say. saying…Jan 12Jan 12
Geoffrey Lewisi may be too addicted to what’s inappropriate & i don’t need anybody’s help“People repress jouissance because it is not fitting for it to be spoken, and that is true precisely because the speaking thereof can be no…Dec 21, 2023Dec 21, 2023
Geoffrey Lewishot surly mash to break the silence“In itself, homosexuality is as limiting as heterosexuality: the ideal should be to be capable of loving a woman or a man; either, a human…Dec 15, 2023Dec 15, 2023